What is CAPTCHA Attack?
Cyber security is the need of today’s generation. Security of the web ensures that attackers are not given any path to enter the computer network. Proper awareness of cyber security can help in the prevention of many cyber attacks from taking place. As per the latest research, the cyber crimes that were recorded last year have surpassed all numbers of cyber-recorded attacks. Cyber attackers are criminals with the malicious intent of stealing personal confidential user/ organizational data for their benefit. Privacy of individuals/ organizations is a well-protected norm as per law. The stolen information is used by attackers for personal gains, and the attackers may blackmail or extort huge money with this act....
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Web Parameter Tampering Attack on Web Servers
Parameter tampering is a form of web-based cyber attack where specific URL parameters are changed without the user’s knowledge. In some cases, data entered by a user into a form field on a webpage may be modified without the user’s permission. The browser may be directed to a link, page, or site that the user did not intend to visit....
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What is TCP-ACK Scanning?
TCP-ACK is a third step of the TCP 3-Way Handshake process (SYN, SYN-ACK, ACK). In TCP-ACK, the client acknowledges the response of the Server, and establish a connection to proceed with the data transfer and any other communication processes....
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How to Hack a Web Server?
There are a lot of different ways you can hack a web server, but the easiest way is to use something called an SQL Injection, which involves executing operating system commands on the web server. If you know how to do this, then your next step would be to run commands like “flush cache” and “delete all files” in order to delete data that was stored on the server. Afterward, you might want to access other websites on the same network, so they can see what data was deleted. This is where Simple Port Scan comes in handy. A simple port scan is like looking through a house window at night to see if anyone is at home. On a Windows server, this type of scan will show you open ports and running services....
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Web Reputation
Web Reputation determines the safety of a website in terms of threats, malware, security, and other factors. If the website is engaged in stealing information, selling data, spreading malware, or malicious code injection, the Web Reputation score of the domain suffers. Along with it, the other probably harmless websites related to that domain or linking to a webpage of that domain also face consequences....
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Identifying Web Application Firewall in a Network
A web application firewall (WAF) protects web applications from a variety of application-layer attacks such as cross-site scripting (XSS), SQL injection, and cookie poisoning, among others. Attacks on apps are the leading cause of breaches—they are the gateway to your valuable data. With the right WAF in place, you can block the array of attacks that aim to exfiltrate that data by compromising your systems....
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What is a Cluster Virus?
Cluster Viruses do not infect individual files but completely modify the system directory table making the entire directory appear infected. Today cyber threats are a growing problem. Everyone has various online accounts such as bank accounts, email, and social media all of which are password protected. However many people store their passwords on their devices. Hackers always trying to steal these passwords to gain unauthorized access to these accounts. To do this, they use viruses which they inject into victim devices to take control of the system and steal their information. In this article, we will take a look at one such virus known as cluster virus....
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WhisperGate Ransomware
WhisperGate is a type of malware that can be used to gain access to a victim’s computer or device...
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MATE’s Configuration Library in Wireshark
MATE stands for Meta Analysis and Tracing Engine. Using this plugin, the user is allowed to define the relationships between various frames. To accomplish this, the Frames tree is quite helpful as MATE collects data from here and then attempts to organize the frames by how MATE is set up.  Whenever the PDUs get connected, MATE will build a “protocol” tree with filterable fields. Since the fields are nearly identical for all connected frames, it is possible to filter a session that spans several frames and many protocols based on a property that appears in a related frame. Moreover, MATE permits frame filtering that relies on reaction timings, the amount of pdus in a group, and many other factors....
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What is DarkHotel?
DarkHotel is a notorious cybercrime group that has been active since at least 2007. The group is known for targeting high-level executives and government officials with sophisticated malware campaigns, often through hotel Wi-Fi networks....
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Rogue Antivirus
Pre-requisites: What is Antivirus Software?...
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Time Zones in Wireshark
A Time Zone is a region on earth that is bound by longitudinal lines or in simpler words a geographical region having the same standard time. These lines sometimes called meridians that run vertically from the north to the South Pole each 15° apart. These meridians divide the earth into 24 different time zones having a local time that corresponds to the sunset in that zone....
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